Low Rise High-Density
Weaving private and public green space throughout this low-rise, high-density residential development preserves the human scale of the surrounding neighborhood.

This design study explored how to optimize low-rise, high-density (LRHD) housing on an aggregated, seven-lot property in the Lyn-Lake Area of Minneapolis. The two-story conceptual scheme uses private courtyards, garden roof decks, a living alley, and shared community green space to break up the buildings’ massing while achieving a 40-units-per-acre density that complies with the City’s current R3 zoning. Each rental unit has direct access to at least one of the green spaces. These provide a sustainable, psychologically healthy amenity while keeping the units affordable.

A small park near this entry provides communal outdoor space.
LHRD transforms affordable housing
by integrating private and community greenspaces.
The predicted population growth and increased demand for affordable housing are driving the need for low-rise, high-density housing options in Minneapolis.
The LRHD study included reviewing existing zoning codes to determine what degree of density was feasible.
The LRHD study demonstrated how the 40-units-per-acre density could be achieved while respecting the human scale of an existing residential neighborhood.
Green roofs, private courtyards, a green alley and shared public green space break up the massing of building forms.
Every residential unit has direct access to green space.
First-floor apartments have private garden courtyards.
Second-floor apartments have roof decks.
Green spaces, such as this private courtyard, provide residents with various ways to connect with nature, visually and physically.
Terraces adjoining units on the top floor extend living space to the outdoors.
A green alley promotes walking and biking over the use of cars.
Tree-lined walkways promote pedestrian movement to and through the site.
The LRHD study shows how an atypical, aggregated site could be developed to achieve density and affordability goals while enhancing the attributes of a walkable residential neighborhood.